Blog Conference Sponsorship’s

Blog Conference Sponsorship’s

The community of blogging is ever evolving. Many bloggers these days are suave business women and men. They enjoy their craft and they work hard to improve it when they can. But they are also a voice that many business and brands are learning is invaluable to reach consumers. Finding a way to merge the love of the craft with the monetary can sometimes seem like walking a high wire, for both brand and blogger.

The aspect of blog conference sponsorship is no different. A blogger benefits from these conferences by having an opportunity to be motivated, nurtured, centered and taught. A brand benefits from these conferences by having their product or service put in front of many many bloggers with an audience. Merging these two can benefit in such a way that allows the blogger and brand to both grow. It’s a beautiful thing, when done right.

The biggest issue we hear from brands is not knowing what valuable assets to look for in a blogger. The typical things that brands look for are numbers, but they feel there should be more to it right? How do they know what is beneficial in an atmosphere they are not familiar with? What translates well in a face to face conference vs. an onscreen writer/reader relationship. This is where it is important to know what your goal of the sponsorship is; how you want to be represented and what your desired result is.

We want to give a loose guideline for brands, but keeping in mind there is still a lot to be considered. Go Be Social Media can help you find the perfect fit for your product or service, and the right conference that fits with your brand. There is nothing cookie cutter about blogger and brand relationships, and assuming so can hurt both parties.

  • What is the experience of the blogger in conference/networking situations? Have they attended conferences in the past? What was their experience or take away from that conference?
  • What services is the blogger offering in exchange for how much sponsorship? Getting your money’s worth is an important part of this partnership.
  • What does this blogger typically write about and what is their tone? A review blogger? A critic? Humor? Life? Tech? Does the subject and tone match the image you want for your brand?
  • Does the blogger know the guidelines for sponsorship outlined by the network hosting the conference? Do you? Are the things they are offering to do for your brand permitted by the conference host?
  • How educated is the blogger about your brand? Are they familiar with the product and service in such a way they could answer questions off the cuff, or just what information you have on your site?
  • What results do you hope to achieve from sponsoring a blogger?

As you can see many of these questions to consider don’t include current blog audience. Numbers are important, but conferences are a different setting. It is face to face, it is networking. There are no bloggers that simply shouldn’t have a sponsor, but having a sponsor and having you as their sponsor are different things.

Go Be Social Media understands the investment that comes with sponsoring a blogger for a conference. We want you to get the most bang for your buck. We can help you find a match for your brand, and get the most out of a conference sponsorship. Just contact us and let us help you!!