Keep Your Content Relevant and Fresh

Keep Your Content Relevant and Fresh

If you’re here you likely already know that each social media platform’s needs are very different, and you want to know how to have the most audience relevant and platform appropriate content.

Currently Facebook is the only platform that really limits what users see and don’t show true realtime content. The large platform has been using an algorithm for years to not only provide a platform that isn’t spamming users, but also to put marketers and companies in a position to use them as an ad medium as well. At this time Facebook bottlenecks the organic reach of content to 2% or less which means marketers have to be intentional about the content so that it has a clear goal and isn’t just “posting to post”. Recently Facebook adjusted it’s formula so that uploaded videos have more power in the fight for timeline placement than all other content. If you want the most relevant content that’s likely to get timeline placement but also attention from your audience upload videos no longer than :30 seconds that are clever, catchy, and unique!

Most people have a love/hate relationship with Twitter – and many times it’s because they simply don’t understand it. It’s fast paced, limited on characters, and the one place a quick reply to mentions and tweets are not just appreciated but expected. Yes, people know what typical business hours are. But when it comes to Twitter they really don’t care.If they’re tweeting out a complaint or question they want someone to be on their A-Game and replying quickly. It’s why some brands are paying top dollar for their social media companies to monitor their accounts outside of the typical 9-5. Yes, they know that this is a more costly option, but they like having peace of mind that if an issue comes up that they’re covered. The best way to get attention on Twitter is to be quick-witted, informed, and be clever enough to incorporate pop culture.  Some of the most successful Twitter brands are those that consistently can turn a days trending story in to a viral campaign – and they recognize that in 24 hours there’s a new topic to try to try to campaign around.

Instagram was a game changer in the social media market when it came around – because it took our mostly text based world and turned it upside down with videos of the vain and mundane.  Obviously Instagram is not a place to get wordy or hope to gain a high click through rate – but it is a platform to connect and share the personality of a brand with the audience.  Instagram is a great place to create loyalty in a way that Facebook and Twitter haven’t been able to capture it. This is due in large part because we are visual creatures and want to see pretty, eye catching, and sometimes provocative images and this platforms allows for it. Instagram also is unique in the fact that if done properly an audience doesn’t need to feel like they’re being sold something.  Since clickable links aren’t supported on this platform your truest intention should be simply to showcase the essence of your brand.  The best content is creative photographs or graphics that aren’t screaming THIS IS MY BRAND HEAR ME ROAR but instead showing followers what the brand stands for, believes in, or just what the target is.

These three platforms make up the base of the social media community. But the approach you taking to creating content for them shouldn’t be one size fits all.  In fact coming at them all with separate campaigns, goals, and risks might be the best formula for success.