What is a Twitter party?

What is a Twitter party?

Twitter’s platform has allowed a unique, if not unplanned, feature of Twitter parties.  A Twitter party is simply a virtual, yet very fast paced, party.  If there’s something that can be discussed, there can be a Twitter party about it.  In recent months the number of twitter parties has sky rocketed.  There are parties for advocacy/support (twice a day, every Monday there is #ppdchat to offer support and discuss postpartum depression), television shows (when American Idol is on air, you can find #idolsnark rehashing every emotional or terrible moment), fun on Friday nights (Friday night #wineparty kicks off, and it’s perfect time to hang out with other no-plans people on a Friday night), and now even for brands.

When a hashtag pops up in a Twitter stream the user can simply click on it and they are in the middle of the party.  They can join in or observe, answer questions or ask questions.  It has given a new meaning to something spreading like a wild fire.  Within moments a twitter party can have thousands of impressions, all by having a conversation on Twitter.  It is such a unique function of Twitter, and one that can truly benefit everyone.

Go Be Social MediaBrands now have a unique opportunity to tap into the fast paced world of Twitter streams by hosting their own Twitter Parties, or having an established Twitter user host a sponsored Twitter party.  In minutes a brand can start a discussion with their demographic that is honest, to the point, and invaluable.  Brand Twitter parties do take a bit of planning, but the discussion and information that a brand can foster and receive is worth the time investment, and it can help grow their Twitter community, providing them with feedback and the ability to build their customer base for years to come.

Go Be Social Media has experienced Twitter users ready to help you host your own Twitter party, or get started with a sponsored Twitter party.  In the following weeks Go Be Social Media will break down how a brand can begin the path to host a Twitter party and what to look for when choosing someone to host a sponsored Twitter party for them.  If you are a brand interested in hosting a Twitter party but need some help, just e-mail us, we would love to help!