Social Media

Be Present During the Holiday Season

It's a typical scene at holiday get togethers and parties all around the country - a room full of people with a phone in their hand. In the age of technology we are sharing more of our lives than ever online, we post our day-to-day details...

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Social Media Costumes for Halloween

Halloween is just a few days away and you still need a costume? Never fear, Go Be  Social Media is here with a round up of some of the best social media inspired  costumes for this year. From hashtags to selfies to emojis, we’ve got...

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Intellectual Property Myths and Facts

It's a common issue we see sprinkled all over social media - stolen intellectual property (IP).  There's a lot of things people don't understand about IP and we want to help navigate the murky waters of online content. Myth #1: Everyone is doing it so it...

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What the SNAP is Snapchat?

What is Snapchat?  Should my children or I be using it?  And what should I be aware of? One of the hottest social media apps with teens and pre-teens these days is Snapchat.  This app, available for both ANDROID and Apple iOS devices, allows for users...

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Women and Social Media

Any marketing or advertising professional will tell you that one of the most important things a brand can do is to know their target audience. While every platform is different, when it comes to today’s social media world as a whole, Beyonce said it best...

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